Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Great Advertisement

HOLY SHIT!!! Who the fuck writes the miller light commercials? Whoever it is, they should be beat with a softball bat while slowly being molested. Honestly, who the fuck thinks of this shit, a fucking freshman in high school? How in the world do they think society will find a beer commercial funny when they talk about text-messaging talk, or when a guy wears skinny emo-faggot jeans. Or how about when they wear clothes with dragons on them on a guy wearing a thong. I mean there all the exact same concept and if the first one sucked ass, you have to know the next 4 are going to be shitty, and sure enough the following commercials are beyond horrible. But what do you expect when you advertise for a beer that taste so shitty? I mean what do they brew that with? For fuck sakes it tastes like motor oil. Those commercials really resemble the way that beer tastes. Fucking awful. Oh, and a couple more things. One, that vortex pour in your bottles, doesn't do shit. If they do anything, they make your beer taste shittier. Two, nobody in the right mind goes up to a bar and asks for a "light beer." If you do, you can just go ahead and fuck right off for all I care. So miller, please stop making such miserable commercials, you are hurting your business. But I guess its a little tough to compete with Anheuser because they make such awesome commercials and they beer doesn't taste like gasoline and the keystone guy is fucking awesome to because hes a hoosier living the American dream. 
Well, It's time to fuck off.