Monday, September 17, 2012

Your not a NHL fan

I know I haven't updated this bad boy in awhile and I am sure many of you could give a shit less, but since I have been bored and a lot of things have been pissing me off, I figured no better time than to let the public know. But here is a topic that has been making my blood boil. While I occasionally check my Facebook, (which I would like to say it now sucks because everybody on it is retarded) but those people on there that want to talk about sports but have no idea what they are talking about, just fuck off. I cannot stand listening to people talk about how the NHL lock out is ruining their life and how the NHL commissioner is the worst man on earth. I am sure there is much more information out there about the NHL lockout than whats on the surface. Do you really think that one man doesn't want a sport that he runs to just not play for a year? What are you retarded? I am sure that guy loves to be hated but hey, since nobody knows to many details, why don't we all just blame it on him. Sure he might suck at his job or something might be off there but just because one guy is an idiot, why the hell would he lockout a sport that millions of people love? So if you post anything about this NHL lockout and how it is ruining your life or how the commissioner is an idiot, just shut up. Everybody knows, know body gives a shit what you have to say. Yeah, it sucks but what are you going to do about it except annoy other people about it. Just shut your traps.

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