Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cougar Town

On the weekdays, TBS has the regular schedule of showing several episodes of Friends and then two episodes of The King of Queens. If any of you pathetic readers have ever been over to our place, you know this because this is basically all we watch along with the NHL network. Well I guess TBS decided to fuck around with us and add in an episode of Cougar Town which I guess they thought was for our enjoyment? Not a chance. I gave Cougar Town a chance because it was the most advertised show I have ever seen. Before even watching the show, I easily noticed that the cast of that show was far from star worthy. Besides Courtney Cox, who was only really worth a fuck in Friends, it involves a bunch of D list, shitty looking human beings sitting around like dopes drinking red wine. I mean whoever thought of that plot is brilliant... So I decide to give this show a shot. Not more than 3 minutes into the show I was not only bored, but really just pissed off. I mean how on earth could somebody enjoy watching this show. The people in this show are honestly just piles of human shit. The blonde lady talks like a horse. She thinks she's funny and hot but she's brutal on the eyes and far from humorous. When thinking about her, I cannot decide whether to vomit or shove her face into my dogs ass. The two bald guys in this show should just go back to teaching science and being virgins because they obviously don't have the face for TV. The lady from Scrubs prides herself on the same character, the bitchy know it all lady that actually has a soft side but nobody notices because her face and lips are so full of botox that it looks Buffalo Bills face with the skin on it from Silence of the Lambs. The hoosier that lives on the boat can just fuck off. Thats all I got from him. The gay kid from Easy A should stop crying in everything he is in and quit his acting career because he is a pathetic pile of shit. Courtney Cox's face has aged quiet a bit, looks almost older than Betty White. I know I am missing some people from this show but they are so brutal to watch that I just don't care. The writers for this show must really be going through a mid-life crisis and are too afraid to talk about it so they have to waste our time and their money to show it on TV. The writing for this show is so bad that it is probably done in a crayon. One time I thought they were going to tell a good joke, because they set it up to be, then the blonde lady just talked and I realized that she was the joke. The joke that nobody laughed at. If you like this show, your a lost cause because you have no culture, you like a bunch of washed up and no-name actors that shit on their pathetic looking asses and drink horse shit red wine all day. Also, whoever came up with the name Cougar Town must be retarded because it does not fit in this show. Its pretty bad even when the TBS commercials say, "Cougar Town, bad name..." 

This is what I think of your show. 

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