Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Unfocused Bradford

A rare picture of Sam Bradford rocking on. Lack of focus is hurting the Rams.

Monday, December 3, 2012


With Christmas break right around the corner, many of us are going to be doing a whole lot of nothing. I know I am going to be sitting on my ass watching every movie my crazy ass wants to and I hope you are doing the same. Here is a short list of some good movies that you need to watch and here is a list of horse shit movies that you should stay far away from.

The good movies:
- Silence of the Lambs (set)
- Hannibal
- Red Dragon

- The Shining
- Taxi Driver
- The Sixth Sense
- Fargo
- Cool Hand Luke
- Man on the Moon

Hitchcock films (Although old, very impressive films)
- Rear Window
- Psycho
- Strangers on a train
- Vertigo

Although I have seen almost all of these films, I will hopefully finish this list in the next month.

Here are some movies to stay away from:

- Anything Rob Schinder stars in
- The Sitter
- Try staying away from Ben stiller films as well. Usually do not turn out so well.

Although man of you readers probably will not watch half of these, or even appreciate these because you are to busy watching shit movies, you should still check them out.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Billy the Booze Hound pt. 1

Billy The Booze Hound 1

Scene 1 
Mom - Hey Billy! How was school?
Billy - Um... It was good mom. I got a lot of homework

Scene 2
Mom - Ok! Dinner will be ready at 6! And don't touch that beer on the counter!
Billy - OK! I won't.

Scene 3

Scene 4
Mom - Billy!! What did I tell you about that beer! After dinner, you're grounded.
Billy - Mom, Im not even drunk... Im a hound, and I always will be.

Scene 5
Uncle Lou - Jeeze Bill, your blind drunk!
Billy - How about you fuck off uncle Lou before I slam your head into some potatoes

Scene 6
... Five minutes later

Scene 7
Mom - Billy! Wake up!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kids that sit by you in class pt. 3

I thought that I basically covered every different type of species that you can find in a class but I was mistaken. This type of kid is usually a male, but they sometimes also come in the female species. This guy that sits by you in class does not actually sit by you in class unless you sit in the very front. This is the kid that thinks he is automatically best friends with the teacher so he feels he can comment on everything the teacher says. This mother fucker even answers the teachers rhetorical questions. Everybody knows what I am talking about. You know, that kid that raises his hand for every question the teacher asks and after the teacher just starts ignoring them and stops calling on them, they just start belting out the answer. My favorite part is when they beg to respond to a question and they are wrong. Holy shit that gets me going. I have one of these guys in my class this semester, he comments on every single thing that the teacher says. Before I forget, qualities of these people are wearing the same thing every class, being really ugly, probably smelling like shit or to much axe, knowing random facts about pointless shit, plays video games, probably either has really greasy hair or too much gel in their hair, and probably have a speech impediment. If you are one of these people, you are really annoying and incase you haven't picked up on it yet, the whole class sighs whenever you speak. It is not hard to go to class and shut the fuck up. Ok, a question every once in awhile is fine but nobody gives a shit how much you love family guy or how you just got lunch from the student union and your too full to look straight. Your comments about your social life are completely irrelevant to the civil war.
Fuck you. That shirt looks like different shades of shit.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Your not a NHL fan

I know I haven't updated this bad boy in awhile and I am sure many of you could give a shit less, but since I have been bored and a lot of things have been pissing me off, I figured no better time than to let the public know. But here is a topic that has been making my blood boil. While I occasionally check my Facebook, (which I would like to say it now sucks because everybody on it is retarded) but those people on there that want to talk about sports but have no idea what they are talking about, just fuck off. I cannot stand listening to people talk about how the NHL lock out is ruining their life and how the NHL commissioner is the worst man on earth. I am sure there is much more information out there about the NHL lockout than whats on the surface. Do you really think that one man doesn't want a sport that he runs to just not play for a year? What are you retarded? I am sure that guy loves to be hated but hey, since nobody knows to many details, why don't we all just blame it on him. Sure he might suck at his job or something might be off there but just because one guy is an idiot, why the hell would he lockout a sport that millions of people love? So if you post anything about this NHL lockout and how it is ruining your life or how the commissioner is an idiot, just shut up. Everybody knows, know body gives a shit what you have to say. Yeah, it sucks but what are you going to do about it except annoy other people about it. Just shut your traps.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tough Guy

Here is an all around bad ass you really do not wanna fuck with. He goes by the name Chris Brown and if you got tits and an ass, watch out! Although his impressive dancing makes him look like a fruit, he is really trying to get his rep up lately. He has been known to throw a mean right hook and hit any chick in the eye at the least expected times! I heard he got tired of beating up girls so he had to find a new way to make a name for himself. No better way than to act in a movie with Paul Walker? Brown decided to act real bad ass as a burglar in the movie "Takers." Man did that movie fucking blow. That's 6 minutes I wish I had back.  I mean holy shit, you can't get a worse group of actors. You got a couple rappers and some B-list actors running around town blowing up and stealing shit, gets old right after you see the intro credits.

This is a rare photo of Brown after being startled by a 6 year old girl asking for his autograph.

....Little girl was lucky she only walked away a broken nose.

Looking for a clever name!

If you read this blog, I am actually asking a favor from you idiots. I would like to see who can come up with the funniest name for this video. All you have to do is comment on this blog or tweet me @JohnsonGoose . The winner might receive some recognition. Probably not, but what better do you losers have to do with your time? Tell your retard friends to!

Fuck You Person of the Day

The FYPotD goes to every single person that works at ESPN. That network has gone down the drain faster than a bum doing heroin. All they fucking talk about is football and basketball. You would rather talk about some no-name linesman that stubbed his toe while trying to think of a nickname for himself than anything to do with hockey, golf, or baseball (in the off season). You honestly should just rename yourself "The Black Sports Network." I think the only reason you don't is because they cannot forget to talk about Nascar. Fuck every person that works there, you are all retards.

Monday, February 6, 2012


My friend couldn't have said this any better. If you have a lanyard hanging out of your pocket, we probably do not have too much in common.
Fuck this guy. Nice cargo pants you fuckin dork. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fuck You Person of the Day

Fuck you Adele. Stop looking at me with that fat fucking stupid ass face. Your music sucks and your personality probably does to.