Sunday, August 25, 2013


What on earth has happened that celebrities and people in the spotlight have decided to dress like complete assholes? In the past few years, Lady Gaga seemed to be the first with her ridiculous outfits and fucked up face. Thats cool that she wants to dress like a freak but why are all of these other people doing the same thing? Like what has happened in Hollywood or wherever these morons live at that makes them all start dressing like this? Did they all drink some bad water or do some bad meth? Like what has happened that somebody was like, "Yeah, I think that shopping cart would go great as a dress and that flower pot would really look good on my head." Not only is Lady Gaga doing it, but fucked up celebrities like Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Will I Am, and Amanda Bynes, just to name a few. Isn't the point of these people in the media to look good? Nobody has ever looked good looking wearing a fucking parking cone. You might as well just spray paint, "I am a fucking lunatic," on your forehead because it has got to be hard for somebody to get know somebody that wears empty soda bottles for shoes. Think about how hard it would be to have a conversation with Nicki Minaj, it would be like talking to a fucked up easter bunny. I wouldn't know whether I should sit on her lap to get a picture taken or take off running because I just saw a mythic creature.

I have a new idea, why doesn't somebody start a fashion show so homeless people can model what they wear? I mean all of these freaks wear  garbage so why can't poor people do the same? We can call it the Shit-bum Fashion Show and it really emphasizes creativity when you have nothing to work with because that is obviously what celebrities do. People can wear newspapers as shirts and old to-go boxes on their feet. It will be brilliant and the worst thing about it, Rihanna will probably want to sponsor it.

What the fuck is Kermit wearing?

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