Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fuck You Person of the Day

The Geico Lizard. Fuck that little thing. Another stupid ass idea by Geico because lizards can't talk, much less speak in an annoying English accent.

You can't save 15% of more on car insurance when I dump that hot cup of coffee on your head then kick your ass.

Quick Comparison

 No words need except fuck insurance company commercials. 
       You're kind of cool.              Your a faggot that is obsessed with a dyke (Flo)

Shout out to flyin' Fred!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fuck You Person of the Day

Russell Brand can fuck off because he is an English piece of shit. His stupid accent, look, and how people think that he is funny when he is not even close, is what won him the FYPotD.
Get a haircut you English faggot.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fuck You Person of the Day

The "Fuck You Person of the Day" is a new blog idea I came up with just recently and decided to implement and incorporate it into the blog. I will try to do a "Fuck You Person of the Day" every day. If you agree on telling the person to fuck off, please comment on that particular blog. It would be some great feedback and it doesn't take long. Today's "Fuck You Person of the Day" is Conan O'Brien. Conan is nominated because of his lack of humor, his stupid haircut, and just in general because he is a fucking pussy.

Fuck you Buddy. Hope your show gets canceled again.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Aldag Quote of the Day:

I thought they always deep fried cheeseburgers

Shoe-less Shitbums

There are things that just about everybody has seen so far in their life time; a full moon, a car accident, and a fight just to name a few. But another thing you can add to that list is just one shoe laying in the street. Its just inevitable. Why in the world do we see this so often? There are poor people in 3rd world countries and bums running around shoe less everyday. Why cant they have these shoes? Is there a cult of people out there that only believe in wearing 1 shoe so they decide to throw their other shoe out their window while on their way to get some kool-aid? Or is it that somebody is robbing a bum of their left shoe as they sleep on a park bench? Whatever it is, its not right. Its polluting the streets and making bums look really unprofessional. The shoe madness needs to stop. Next time I see a brown leather penny loafer lying on the side of the road, ill either pick it up or just keep driving cause I could give a fuck less.
Here is a bum that woke up as happy as a bum can, but he looked down and realized that his crack pipe broke, then as the day went on, he realized he didn't have a shoe on. Poor bastard.

16 and Depressing

Alright well its time to rip this piece of shit show apart.. First of all, why would anybody want to produce a show that reveals young girls that get pregnant unplanned. What is entertaining about that? That is a fucking nightmare. They show a bunch of white trash, fat, and ugly girls get plowed out by their poor boyfriends and have to deal with the consequences. Absolutely awful. The second thing, the show is still on! Fuck, the kids probably have part-time jobs at the local McDonalds by now. The parents, if they haven't died from a tractor accident or old age, are probably sitting in their broken rocking chairs with their wrinkly skin, grey hair, and their old, beat up white velcro new balance shoes. If you watch this show, good chance your a fucking idiot.
         Old people shoes                        Fat face thinking about cheese fries

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Comedy News Reporter?

Stephen Colbert, you are the farthest thing from funny. You have the sense of humor of an 5th grader. You resemble Mel Kiper Jr. in many ways. You make stupid comments that you shouldn't, you are both shitty ass reporters/analysts, and you look like a combination between him and Bob Saget. I just saw you on TV and remembered how shitty, not funny, and how unimportant you are to the news world. Why the fuck is your show right after the Daily Show too? Its the same fucking thing. You will never find me watching these shows ever and if you do, you can beat the shit out of me with broom stick. As a matter of fact, I would like you to beat me with a broom stick just to put me out of my misery from hearing about those dumb fucking shows. Colbert, you might be intelligent but you are not funny. Your just a loud mouth that stumbled his way onto the wrong set.

Here is a picture of Colbert after an 8th grader just told him to eat dog shit because his show sucks. Just look how confused and pathetic he looks.

Abused Camera

I have noticed this going on a lot for a long time and only recently has it come to my attention and really piss me the fuck off. This thing that pisses me off is people (guys and girls) doing stupid fucking faces in pictures then putting them on Facebook. If you are a guy and you do the kissy face, stick your tongue out, do the peace sign, or do the shocker, you are not my friend, nor will you ever be. You are a flat out embarrassment. But congratulations for making yourself look like a dildo, at least you have that going for you. But wait a minute girls, your not off the hook either. I guess sometimes it is acceptable if you are a girl and do a stupid face in the camera. But if you are an ugly girl, no one wants to see your dumb fucking face on their computer. If your a good looking girl, ditch the stupid ass peace sign or whatever and just get naked. People will respect you much more if you do this. Another thing to note; Girls, do not take pictures of yourself in the mirror by yourself or with your friends and put them online. That wasnt even cool in 7th grade, what makes you think it will be cool now? For fuck sakes.
