Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Abused Camera

I have noticed this going on a lot for a long time and only recently has it come to my attention and really piss me the fuck off. This thing that pisses me off is people (guys and girls) doing stupid fucking faces in pictures then putting them on Facebook. If you are a guy and you do the kissy face, stick your tongue out, do the peace sign, or do the shocker, you are not my friend, nor will you ever be. You are a flat out embarrassment. But congratulations for making yourself look like a dildo, at least you have that going for you. But wait a minute girls, your not off the hook either. I guess sometimes it is acceptable if you are a girl and do a stupid face in the camera. But if you are an ugly girl, no one wants to see your dumb fucking face on their computer. If your a good looking girl, ditch the stupid ass peace sign or whatever and just get naked. People will respect you much more if you do this. Another thing to note; Girls, do not take pictures of yourself in the mirror by yourself or with your friends and put them online. That wasnt even cool in 7th grade, what makes you think it will be cool now? For fuck sakes.


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