Wednesday, November 9, 2011

16 and Depressing

Alright well its time to rip this piece of shit show apart.. First of all, why would anybody want to produce a show that reveals young girls that get pregnant unplanned. What is entertaining about that? That is a fucking nightmare. They show a bunch of white trash, fat, and ugly girls get plowed out by their poor boyfriends and have to deal with the consequences. Absolutely awful. The second thing, the show is still on! Fuck, the kids probably have part-time jobs at the local McDonalds by now. The parents, if they haven't died from a tractor accident or old age, are probably sitting in their broken rocking chairs with their wrinkly skin, grey hair, and their old, beat up white velcro new balance shoes. If you watch this show, good chance your a fucking idiot.
         Old people shoes                        Fat face thinking about cheese fries

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