Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Everyday Blog back

The blog is back for all your turkeys that haven't noticed. You would also have to be fucking retarded if you havent noticed because you are on the blog. Whatever fuck off. All summer I did a whole lot of nothing. I worked a little bit, made a little money but thats basically gone because I spent it like an asshole. I have a new friend I would like you guys to meet, his name is Kyle, and he is imaginary. I will talk about Kyle many times this year. My mission statement for this blog is I hope you enjoy reading it, if you dont, you know the motto. For all of those who forgot the motto, its fuck off. Pretty easy to remember. If you ever have any suggestions or comments you would like to let me know about, you can either comment on one of the blogs or you can wipe your ass with them because I probably dont give a shit about them. If you ever have any ideas for future blogs you can talk to Kyle or just comment on one of the blogs. Chances are I will probably look at them then just shut my laptop in disgrace. I dont know if I will do the standard Jort count or anything this time around, I might just write what I feel. If you do like the Jort count or anything I have done previously, let me know. I hope to please all of your needs this year. Now I am going to go put my dick in the dirt. peace

Aldag Quote of the Day: I need a diaper so I dont have to go to the bathroom.

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