Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kids that sit by you in class pt. 2

The reason this is titled "Kids that sit by you in class pt. 2" is because if you have read this blog before, you would know that I wrote one with the same title back in April. That excerpt talked about people that smell like shit that sit next to you. This is similar and basically everybody can relate to these situations somehow. There are two types of doushebags I would like to talk about today. The first type of kids I would like to talk about are the fucking doushebags that get dressed up for class. Sure they work out but that doesn't give you the right to wear a shirt two times to fucking small. I mean how big of a faggot can you be? There is this kid that sits in front of me in one of my classes and he fits this description perfectly. He has that "I dont give a fuck" mentality when in reality, no body gives a fuck how you look. For fuck sakes nobody cares about your expensive sunglasses that sit on top of your head. You look like a doushebag regardless. You fucking gel your hair when you go to the morning class, your shirt is too tight for you (you also wear the same stupid ass american eagle shirt everyday), you take your expensive sunglasses off your eyes and put them on your head. I would love to punch you right square between the eyes while your wearing those dumb-fuck sunglasses and snap them in half. Whatever I'm done talking about you, you fucking faggot. The next type of kid I am going to talk about is the kids that sit next to you in class and try to be your best friend. You see them walk in out of the corner of your eye, "Please dont sit by me" keeps running through your head, you know the seat next to you is open, they sit down, you just want to say, "Oh, fuck. Please get the fuck away from me! Go sit in another fucking seat, there are 20 more open!" But you just keep doodling in your notebook until you hear, "Is this seat open?" ahh, yeah its fucking open retard, sorry theres not a neon open sign on it. I mean I would love to just say, "Um, actually no. My imaginary friend Kyle is sitting there, so sorry, you will have to find another spot." But it gets worse from here. As the class begins, they turn to you and ask you, "What do you think we will be doing today?" Or a classic "This class is going to suck." The only thing I can respond with is a simple "Yeah..." I have a few things to tell you if you are one of these kids, the first one is,  dont ever fucking sit by me. Why? Because I don't give a flying fuck if you think this class sucks. I go to class to fucking take notes and listen to the teacher (for the most part). I dont go to class to make friends, I am done making friends, I dont need anymore. The second thing is, you complaining to me about how you hate the class, is not going to make the class any better buddy. But as the class goes on they keep leaning over to you and saying stupid comments such as, "Yeah, thats what she said" or "Fuck this guy haha." No...How bout fuck you because your annoying and a fucking homo. These kids are easy to spot because they like to wear big earings in both ears, tall black socks with sandals, baggy basketball shorts, maybe a t-shirt a little too big  or too tight for them (it never fits right). They also might say things like "I cant wait to get fucked up after this class" or try to talk about alcohol or weed with you when the last thing you want to do is hang out with them. You know? The type of kid that has the "I dont give a fuck attitude" but doesnt know the proper way to express himself so he feels cool making fun of the teacher to try to make friends. If you are one of these kids, move on to the next kid because I have my friends, and sorry, but you didn't make the cut.

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