Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shit in a Can

If you have ever wanted a thick coat of shit on your teeth after drinking a 12 oz beverage and you don't feel like drinking a Miller product, try Pepsi. It fuggin sucks. I drank a Pepsi a few days ago and it left my mouth feeling fucking gross. I felt like my teeth had fucking North Face jackets on them. Also, if you ever want heart burn out the ass, try Pepsi and Captain Morgan. You won't be able to breathe after your first drink. Getting drunk never felt so miserable. I do have a simple solution for all of you that want to find a nice replacement for Pepsi, try Coke. It takes good and you wouldn't have to take Prilosec after every drink. Another thing, for those who say you cannot taste a difference between Coke and Pepsi, your a fucking retard and you can fuck off..

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