Thursday, April 14, 2011

1 liners

I have a couple things to say about these two energy shots. The first thing I have to say is that I have only tried 5 Hour Energy twice, and it didn't so shit for me. The second thing is I didn't know that there was a competition between energy shots for the shittiest 1 liner in their commercials. Fuck, the only thing that would make these commercials worse is if David Caruso from C.S.I Miami said them. 5 hour energy says "Lets do this!" I got an idea, lets not do this because this a horse shit commercial. And Worx, don't think you are getting off the hook, "It works for me!" You think you are so clever because its the same word as what the energy shot is called. I have never tried this energy shot, and I probably will never try it because it probably doesn't fucking work for  me.

Here is David Caruso after a stunning one liner in the hit TV show C.S.I. Miami. The one liner probably went something like "Well...We'll see about that." or "You should...probably cross your fingers." Cheesedick.

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